Just because you have experienced pain doesn’t mean you won’t feel happiness again. There will always be a dark portion in the white cloud.
There's this saying that, "there is always light at the end of every tunnel"
So, when You're in pain, be happy because every pain ends up being a source of happiness.
The bitter leaf taste sweeter after the bitterness is gone, that's if you've taken your mind off its bitterness and you're more focused on the sweetness of it.
When you're in pain, don't think the bitterness, the hurt, but always look forward to the sweetness coming.
Until you have succeeded in suppressing or taking away the pains from your heart, it will take more time before happiness comes.
Don't give a moment for sadness.
Be happy even when things around you are not smiling.
BE HAPPY ALWAYS BE HAPPY ALWAYS Reviewed by Unknown on February 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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