"I recall when I first came to this conviction that my biggest dreams would come to pass. This was many years ago. Interestingly, this assurance was not based on prevailing circumstances around me.
Not at all!
Rather, it was hinged on a knowing that things would turn out right for me. I knew that ultimately, what you believe is what you become.
So I dared to dream. I even dared to dream big dreams and today, my biggest dreams have come to pass. Guess what? I am still dreaming."
This is a saying of one of the great man in Africa.
Your dreams will move you from where you are, to where you want to be. This is because the reality of your life today is based on your dreams of yesterday. Hence, to change your tomorrow, you have to have a dream today for tomorrow.
Don't be a victim of mediocrity, dream the biggest dreams ever.
DREAM A BETTER TOMORROW DREAM A BETTER TOMORROW Reviewed by Unknown on March 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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