The whole human race summed up is of two groups: the SOWERS and the EATERS.
We are all created for a purpose, if you've not known yours, then you have to find out what your uniqueness is all about.
We can be likened to a SOWER; someone who has the seeds and plants them.
Of the agricultural knowledge, we know that a seed buried in the soil yields many more seeds when it is time for harvest, so is anyone who is a sower; he will always have abundance of seeds which he can from which choose to eat some and sow others.
Being a sower makes you a lender, there won't be time nor reason(s) to borrow, why? This is because the seed will always produce more so far it is buried on a good soil.
We ought to live our lives as sowers: You don't put all you earn in your mouth, you don't put all you earn on your body, some has to be sown...
Sowing is all about giving; you don't have to wait to listen to your neighbor's plea for help before you help them, be sensitive to your immediate family members' needs. Don't close your eyes on the needy!!!
Always remember that, the sower will always have abundance of seeds.
The more you plant, the more you have, the more you give, the more you receive.
THE SOWER OR THE EATER? Part 1 THE SOWER OR THE EATER? Part 1 Reviewed by Unknown on March 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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