When wives thinks about what husbands really want, we typically say SEX. Please don't get me wrong, many women do not really know what a man do need from them, so many believe what men need is SEX , the truth is that they need more than SEX
Some may also say good food is what they need, fine, they love food but that isn't what they are looking for.
You may as well think they need your physical appearance, every man wants a good looking woman but there is more to that.
To some they will tell you that men need a clean home, really they do want their homes clean. These things can't make them stick or bond with you.
Marriage can't strive happily with out it, it's a biblical mandate. That makes the husband feels like a man, the wife is to respect her husband.
Trust is a reaction to love and key to a healthy marriage or relationship, you need to trust your partner completely.
Peace is one of the best gift you can offer him, in other words give to your partner, and it will keep him running back home after a long day job.
When a man don't get peace at home or in the relationship, the basic truth is that, he will seek it else where, he will pay to get one from who is ready to give him, this may be a danger to your Union.
This is one good thing they want and may never speak with you about, men want a daily dose of intimacy with you, as a woman you create space to share or have intimate moments with him, this won't make him disconnect, it's will improve your connection and feelings with him.
They want to be appreciated at all times, rather than focusing on what your man isn't doing, try to hone in on the good things he is doing and that will make him want to do more.
Men are starved for appreciation. No man is going to come right out and say it, so you're really going to have to take my word for it.
Appreciate him more often and get the best of him
WHAT HUSBAND REALLY WANT WHAT HUSBAND REALLY WANT Reviewed by mylovelifeandi on March 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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