The Church Girl Episode 13


I lost my parents when i was very young and I went into prostitution when I was in school, sleeping with anything in trouser just to get money and live fine. I aborted many pregnancies, and at a time I just get tired of that kind of life and decided to opt out of prostitution..but then, unknown to me, i was already carrying a pregnancy which I didn’t know who was responsible for it.
For a reason I couldn’t really explain, I decided to have the baby. I had a baby girl, named Temidara and I was taken care of her alone. Since I didn't know who her father was, I gave her a surname, Omoolorun which means a child of God.
When Temi was 2yrs old, I gave my life to Jesus and I was seriously enjoying my new life in Christ. About a year and half later, I met a man who proposed to me. He was born again and feared the Lord. We got married about six months later, and we had one of the best marriages in the world.
Though, I didn’t have a child for him, the man loved me so much despite pressures from his friends and family members to leave me and find another lady, having known my past. We both continued to serve God with all of our hearts, trusting Him that one day, He would shut the mouths of our enemies and give us a child.
Then, the unexpected happened. After 7yrs of marriage, my husband slumped and died in church one Sunday morning.
He was the one that drove us to church that day, he didn't complain of having any pain earlier. U wouldn’t like to hear what I went through in the hands of his family members afterwards. I was treated like an animal. Thank God for my pastor and church members that came to my rescue. I was not allowed to take anything out of the house, not even my own belongings. It took my pastor’s intervention before I could be allowed to take my certificates. They accused me of being responsible for d death of their son.
Months later, I went back to my vomit, I found myself sleeping around with men who were coming to render one assistance or the other. I knew it wasn’t good, but I just couldn’t help myself.
I prayed and prayed for God to deliver me, but the more I prayed, the more I found myself in it.
People in the church were seeing me as a strong woman ,but I knew I was as weak and helpless as a worm.
Then, one day we were having a special programme in church, and a guest minister was invited. As he was ministering, he paused and said “God is telling me, that there is a woman here, who lost her husband sometime ago and has since been sleeping with men, both married and single. U know it's not good and you’ve been praying about it, if only you can come out now, God wants to deliver you. Everybody close your eyes”.
It took me quite some time before I could come out. In fact, it was d Holy Spirit that pushed me out. The man prayed for me, and since that day I was delivered. Some women picked quarrel with me later, suspecting their husbands were among d men I was sleeping with. How they knew I was the one that came out, I wouldn’t know. After all, the pastor told everybody to close their eyes.
About 3 months later, the same man of God that ministered to me, sent my pastor to tell me that God told him to marry me. I was surprised.. ”but, doesn’t he have a wife?”. I asked my pastor.
“He lost his wife last year”. He answered.
That man of God is Pastor Williams.
We got married, and exactly a year later, we had a set of twins.. a boy and a girl.
That was why I told you the other time if that God could have mercy on me, He would surely have mercy on you too.
Look at 1Cor 10:13. God will always provide an escape route for you if you are His child, when you fall into the enemy’s trap, provided you ask for forgiveness and obey His leading.
Let’s see how things turn out in the Episode 14
The Church Girl Episode 13 The Church Girl Episode 13 Reviewed by Psalmseen on September 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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