1. You just got married doesn't mean it's all going to be fresh- the job starts now!

2. Usually, the most 'difficult' season in marriage are the first few weeks and years, so much rush, so much inexperience.

3. Many people misunderstand the teething problems of a new union as a sign that they made a mistake! WRONG.

4. Most marriages are made or destroyed by how we handle the initial pressure of becoming a couple!

5. Smart singles will expect that the early days of marriage should have bumps and pot holes-they will take a humble heart to marriage!

6. You must decide that whilst the difference of the early days are being sorted, you will trust the intentions of your partner and keep faith in their heart!-they are as shocked as you in the process, learn together, do not become a judge!

7. You will cry sometimes because this amazing 'love' you married will not be understood; don't just cry though, pray and ask God for wisdom.

8. One of the error of young couples is to run everywhere seeking solutions from everyone when the solution is in the couple 'growing up and coming of age'

9. The marriage is simply exposing your 'relational deficiencies' at the early stage so that you can sit back, adjust and enjoy the best!

10. 1, 2 and perhaps 3 years in marriage only lays 'relational foundations' Be careful not to end up resentful, in strife and in bitterness. If you allow this to happen, you have simply negatively redefined the rest of your own life- pursue peace at all costs! Be deliberate

11. At this stage, pray deeply for your partner- they are also 'struggling' to come to terms with 'being married'

12. As soon as Satan successfully installs regret in your heart about the union, the rest of your life is set on the wrong course-demotivation, pain, anger and all other negative emotions will take center stage!

13. Pause! Every marriage that became enviable, was built from scratch by 2 persons who struggled like all of us to understand their difference and to overcome it.

14. Don't give up on your spouse! If you do, the journey becomes longer and a lot more painful than you can imagine! Fight for the union.

15. Stop complaining, welcome to marriage where two adults in love learn to be two adults in union; get to work!

16. It is not gloom and doom but marriage is where you come to and have to lay your bed the way you want to sleep on it.

17. Choose not to be surprised by what surprised you in marriage! Be ready to learn and be smart. Choose to win and not to get drowned.

18. Make up your mind before going in or now that you are in not to make it difficult for your partner! Consciously decide to be a better person.

19. The early years of marriage is like foundation laying and the other years of the marriage will build on it; do not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy at this time. Anything that pitches you guys against each other is a direct demonic plan to end your union!


Written by: Bro OCHOLI Okutepa

ABOUT MARRIAGE ABOUT MARRIAGE Reviewed by Psalmseen on October 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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