Beauty as a Curse

It was said in the time of old that beauty is a curse, so I wonder why this new generational so called "slay queens" are not adopting a systematic way of lifting this curse off their lives.

Being conscious of ones beauty is the most dangerous self-destruct weapon.
No wonder most of our youths fail to develop themselves (academic and craft wise), they prefer to invest in beauty rather than knowledge, hair rather than brain, nails rather than fingers, eye lash rather than vision, mini cloths rather than character, and seductive bribery rather than merit. Because they think they already got an asset to manipulate loosed men to bend to their request. They have converted a sacred marital asset into a public toilet. They've lost respect for elders as well as proper approach for strangers. Many have taken to street sex "ONE CORNER" others, to social networks all in the name of civilization and technology.
My dear "SLAY QUEEN" this your so called commercial asset (fine boobs, protruding butt, flat tommy, pretty face or what have you) all fades away very quickly within period of active FOUR YEARS, the only things that lingers for ever is your personal metal contribution to the development of the world.
So stop being a mere sexual entertainment, you are made to be more.

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Beauty as a Curse Beauty as a Curse Reviewed by Psalmseen on January 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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