A woman went to meet a great Sheikh and
asked him for help, that her husband
always complains on anything she does, no
matter the best she tries to do, he
complains, and they always end up fighting,
She asked the sheikh if he could help her
in any way. He advised her that what she
needs to do is to be patient with him,
she again says that it's impossible
because he always abuse and insult her
even if she doesn't talk which then
provokes her and then she abuses him
back. The Sheikh said that is the only
advice he can give her. She got up ready
to leave then the Sheikh tot to himself
that since she hasn't gotten wat she
wanted, she might later look for a solution
through an illegal means,He then called
her back and said he would give her a
charm but would have condition for it to
work the condition are,.... she is going to
insert the charm in her mouth when ever
they are quarrelling with each other,and
would not allow the charm from her mouth
to fall out when talking, and also prevent
her husband from noticing it,since he might
asked her to bring it out, or else she
would become mad, and if only she can do
it for a day, then it would work she happily
took the charm and promised to comeback
if it works and she went home. Later her
husband arrived home and asked her for
his food, She told him it was in the
kitchen, He went to the kitchen and
immediately she went to her room and
inserted the charm in her mouth because
already she knew what would happen next,
He followed her to her room and started
to complain and abuse her, She became
very furious and wanted to insult him back
but then she remembered that if she
starts to talk, the charm would fall out or
he would notice it and she might end up
been mad, so she kept quiet....He
continued to insult and abused her but
still she could not talk and endured until
he finished and went to his room, he
stood silent and tot to himself what is
wrong with her that she remain silent
today ?He returned to her room and
continued to insult her and even included
her parents, she became very furious
again but still she could not reply him, he
finished and went to his room very
worried, What has happened to my wife
today that i have insulted her the insults
i have never done before but still she did
not reply ? was she admonished
somewhere ? He became more and more
worried and began to feel bad. His
conscience was judging him, He decided to
return to her room and surprisingly he
knelt down in front her and ask for her
forgiveness and plead with her that he
would not insult her again, She only
nodded her head to show she had forgiven
him. The next day immediately she went
back to the Sheikh and said to him, It
worked, It worked !!! My husband had never
knelt down to beg me until yesterday...
Masha Allah the Sheikh said where is the
charm i gave u, She brought it out and he
said to her to untie it,the charm was
made of wool, She did not want to open
it because she believed it was the charm
that worked. He convinced her to open it
and she then, untied the wool, inside was
paper and stone, He explains to her this
is an ordinary wool,an empty paper and the
stone i picked it just around my house.
So today i have taught u how to be
patient (Silent) with ur husband......SU
BHANALLLAH since from then she never
had problem with her husband if a person
controls his anger, he would be able to
control everything else. That is why the
Prophet (S.A.W) Mention in a hadith that
a Powerful man is not the one who can
wrestle, but the powerful is the one who
can control himself at the time of anger,"
Controlling anger can be an indicator of
the strength of one's personality.O Allah, make us patience, protect our marriages and blessed it for it to last long.
Ameen ya Allah.
Happy Weekend to all my Brothers and Sisters.
A TRUE LIFE STORY WITH GREAT MORALS A TRUE LIFE STORY WITH GREAT MORALS Reviewed by mylovelifeandi on April 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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