Date night and alone time is a must and sitting down watching your favorite sitcom doesn’t count. Make time for each other. Enjoy an activity outdoors, take on a new hobby together, take a walk and appreciate nature together. It is very important that each partner make time for each other and acknowledge your relationship as a priority.
When you have an opinion about something or feel like you need to add your input about a situation - don't stay quiet. You should always be able to tell your spouse how you feel and be honest with them about any subjects. If you keep your opinions bottled up inside, there is a strong possibility that you will begin to resent decisions and cause yourself a great deal of internal pain that could be avoided if you had spoke up.
When you ask your partner to do something, make sure you’re very clear to them on the terms. If you want your husband to clean the house but you know that if you don’t specify and clean the bathroom - that it will be ignored – make sure you say what you mean so he’ll understand.
Never Miss an Opportunity to Say I Love You
Whether it's in the morning before you leave, before you go to bed at night or just a phone call in the middle of the day - tell your significant other that you love them. Love is a beautiful feeling and you should make sure that your partner knows how special they are to you.
Keep your relationship fresh. Surprises don’t have to be an every day, weekly or monthly occurrence but never miss an opportunity to show your partner that you love them. Send flowers, have a lunch date, give an unexpected hug or go out to eat instead of having your routine taco Tuesday. Keep the spice going!
Don’t get so complacent that you do not spend time doing some of the things that you did to get them in the first place. Ladies – take those rollers out of your hair and dress nice for your man! Men – be spontaneous and take your wife out on a date once in a while.
LESSONS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW LESSONS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW Reviewed by mylovelifeandi on April 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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